May 23, 2009

Pura Kelasa

pura kelasa


penny said...

Nanak, this is a beautiful photo. The colors are so vivid. Your phone has a wonderful camera and you have a good eye for photography.

brattcat said...

What a stunning shot, Nanak. I can't believe you capture these images on a cell phone. I can only imagine what you'd do with professional equipment.

prado said...

Well, as I've run through your blog I can clearly see that you live in paradise...or, it's your photos that show it this way.....:)

Lowell said...

Magnificent...what great colors and light. Super job, Nanak!

Buenos Aires Photoblog said...

Just beautiful! I hope to see it in reality some day!

Buenos Aires Photo

Chattahoochee Valley Daily said...

Beautiful shot Nanak. The colors are amazing.

AB said...

Great shot. The sunlight really highlights the detail on the building.

(Greetings from a fellow cellphone photographer)

henny said...

Using cellphone? Are you sure? :)

nanak said...

thank you everyone.

i'm very really sure. hhe
ga punya kamera sy mbak.