March 12, 2009

Kuta beach : the people

this post is to answering jacob & bfarr question :)


Tara said...

I'd definitely enjoy and love this beach nanak. Hope to visiting this place someday. Nice captures from your cell. :)

crocrodyl said...

Beautiful! I like different shades of blue!

GreensboroDailyPhoto said...

How does it feel to live in paradise?

Lowell said...

Well, OK. There are some people there, but I'd still say you have the place pretty much to yourself, you lucky guy!

penny said...

Wow, these photos take my breath away with there beauty. Thanks for sharing them we us.

Julie said...

another group of excellent photos. beautiful blue. I am glad that you liked my ice plant and flower photo.

brattcat said...

Nanak, your photos make me so happy. Thank you.

Unknown said...

The sea colour is just awesome! I would take a dive right now! :-)